11 Free Content Marketing Tools You Need to Know About

Posted by Jake Lumetta on September 18, 2023

Content marketing is no easy gig, especially when so many of the tools needed to get the job done will cost you a pretty penny in order to utilize the full extent of their features. Thankfully, there are all sorts of excellent tools available online to use for content marketing purposes — and plenty of them won't cost you a penny to take advantage of, either. The free content marketing tools listed below will help you take your content to the next level, completely free of charge.

Illustration: Free content marketing tools

CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer

It's hard to overstate the value of a good headline. It's the first thing a person sees online, and it often serves as the first impression for your brand. For this reason, CoSchedule's headline analyzer practically speaks for itself. From things like word balance to sentiment to skimmability and countless other factors, CoSchedule's headline analyzer helps you create the best headline possible for every piece of content.


Links help to connect your content and improve your searchability on search engines like Google, so it's no wonder why Screaming Frog's broken link checker might come in handy with content marketing. If a link on your website is broken (or doesn't work, in other words), then users won't be able to follow them. By using Screaming Frog's broken link checker, you can ensure there won't be any virtual roadblocks on your site. You can also use this free tool to look for broken links on external sites that might be willing to link to you.

Talkwalker's social listening tool

You know that word-of-mouth is important in the growth of your content, but you also know that it's hard to keep track of everything being said about your brand online. Talkwalker's social listening tool can help. Talkwalker tracks social conversations about brands, products, and campaigns across a plethora of social networks, making it easier than ever to see what's being said about your content.

What's more important: a short, sharable link or a convincing call to action? With Sniply, the answer can simply be both. Sniply is a content marketing tool that allows you to both shorten your URLs and add your own custom messages to the link, making every share more likely to bring in new customers.

Snazzy AI's content generator

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the ideas just won't come. Fear not: Snazzy AI's content generator is a surefire way to get the creative juices flowing again. Through artificially intelligent copywriting that generates new content with ease, you can use this AI-generated content to inspire new directions for your own site's content.

Podcastle's podcast production tool

Podcasting seems to grow more and more popular with each passing year, and many brands are realizing the true potential they hold as free content marketing tools. While they offer some paid features for premium members, Podcastle helps first-time podcasters to edit and release their podcasts with plenty of useful tools at no cost at all.


Kapwing's video production tool

Similar to podcasts, videos posted on social media have only grown more prevalent with each new year. Considering how many of us are using our phones and devices at any given moment, it makes perfect sense. Kapwing's video production tool helps even the most inexperienced video editors make quality content to use for both social media and websites.

Mailjet's bulk email sending engine

While it might seem like email pales in comparison to social media messages these days, the truth is that email continually proves to be just as effective for content marketing. Mailjet's bulk email sending engine is a free tool that allows you to send out emails to your long list of contacts (and they also do SMS as well!).

Mentionmapp's Twitter monitoring tool

All the big social media sites prove to be an effective tool for content marketers, but there's no denying that Twitter is one of the most important of the bunch. The only problem is that, due to the sheer number of users posting on the platform at any given minute, it can be hard to keep track of all that's being said. Mentionmapp's Twitter monitoring tool helps to keep you up to date whenever you or your brand is mentioned on the platform, helping you track the impact of your content marketing efforts.

Google's mobile-friendly checker

What good is a website if it isn't mobile-friendly? Especially considering how much business is driven by mobile users, having a website that isn't accessible or usable on a mobile device means that you'll likely be missing out on new business. Thankfully, Google has a free content marketing tool for you to check and see if your site is mobile-friendly so that you can adjust it accordingly.

ButterCMS's headless CMS

There are plenty of free site builders out on the internet. But if you're building a website for a business or app that will need to scale, it's best to start out with a solution that is going to stand the tests of time - a headless CMS like ButterCMS. Butter lets you take control of your content at any scale, on any channel. We have a forever-free plan for individuals. If you're using Butter for work, we offer a 30-day free trial, which is more than enough time to get familiar with the API and the interface.

The Bottom Line: Take Advantage of These Tools

At the end of the day, it's absolutely in your best interest to use these free content marketing tools to your advantage, especially if you're a small business on a tight budget. Not only will they help make your job easier, but they'll also help you create a strong brand that appeals to potential customers and inspires trust and loyalty from existing customers. From social media to email newsletters to blog post analyzers, each and every one of these tools is a resource worth utilizing.

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Jake Lumetta

Jake is the CEO of ButterCMS. He loves whipping up Butter puns and building tools that make developers' lives better.

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